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RC Home | RC Paint Shop | SC10 Short Course Race Truck Body



SC10 Short Course Race Truck Body


This was the body that came with the SC10 kit from Team Associated. I looked at 1:1 short-course trucks to find a paint/stripping scheme. I found one, but used different colors.



Paint used:

Tamiya PS1 - White

Tamiya PS5 - Black

Tamiya PS15 - Metallic Red


AE SC10 Short course racing truck body


I hand drew the lines to guide me on the taping.


RC Painting SC10 kit


Cheated on the taping and blocked the paint with a shop rag. It worked!


SC10 Truck Body


RC Painting lid


SC10 Paint


The white makes it easy to see when rubbing fenders with other short-course trucks.


Finished SC10 body painted stickered


This body has taken serious abuse on the track and has held up perfectly. I have not had to replace it yet.




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