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RC Home | RC Paint Shop | HPI Jeep Wrangler Body



HPI Jeep Wrangler Body


This was my first attempt at painting a body. I took my time, but still made a few mistakes, but I was happy with the overall outcome. This body is now trashed, but the Jeep Wrangler made a great basher lid for my Savage.


Paint used:

Tamiya PS5 - Black

Tamiya PS48 - Silver Anodized Aluminum


Jeep Warngler Body from HPI Racing


I masked off the silver parts to paint the black first.


Masked off tape


I paint very light coats and a bunch of them, letting them dry between coats. Here's the black with 5 coats.


Black RC paint PS5


5 coats of silver and I actually backed it with black instead of white, gave the aluminum a more realistic look.


Jeep Wrangler RC body


Decaled and mounted.


Painted Stickered Finsihed



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