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Pro-line Boulder Holder Body
The Proline Boulder Holder dump truck is a very cool body despite the fact that you can't really "hold" any boulders or anything for that matter, but it looks great. This was probably one of the more challenging lids I have done. Lots of tape, and this was my first shot at liquid mask.
Paint used: Tamiya PS17 Metallic Green Tamiya PS15 - Metallic Red Tamiya PS48 Anodized Aluminum Tamiya PS5 - Black (backing)
I found a pattern that I thought would look cool, but it turned out it didn't stick very well to the lexan so it leaked under when I painted it.
Lots of crook and cranny's to paint.
Proline makes you cut your own stickers. Here's it all stickered up and finished. Another cool basher lid.
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