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RC Home | RC Paint Shop | Pro-line Cadillac Escalade EXT



Pro-line Cadillac Escalade EXT Body


I already have one pimpin' Caddy lid in the garage, but this one was sent to me free from RC/Car Magazine for winning "Best in Show" one month. This is also a MGT version of this body, so it fits extended or XL Savage's. I've painted all colors in the past, but I have really gotten to like how my Savage looks with a black lid.

Made in USA


Paint used:

Pactra RC250 - Outlaw Black

Tamiya PS41 - Bright Silver

Pactra RC290 - White (backing for silver)


Proline 3224-00 Escalade EXT


Proline Escalade EXT for MGT



These lids for the MGT fit perfectly on my Savage.


Uncut RC body



Always make sure to mark your post holes before you paint.


Marking Proline Body



Short of a couple of stripes on the side, I skipped the taping and masking. This body will actually be driven, so I am not going to spend a lot of time on something that will be shredded the first time out.


Tape and Mask body



Make sure you drill some small holes where you marked it before you pull the overspray film off, otherwise you will not know where the holes will go.


proline escalade truck



Sticker it, mount it and then go tear it up.


Completed Proline 3224-00


Proline Body





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