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RC Home | RC Paint Shop | Pro-line Ford F650 Body - Extended



Pro-line Ford F650 Body - Extended


I love how the F650 body looks on the Savage, but after adding FLM's extended chassis the one for the Savage was a little short. Fortunately Proline makes the same body but in a slightly larger version for the Revo or MGT and this one fits on the Savage perfectly. I painted it the same to replace the original.


Made in USA


Paint used:

Pactra RC250 - Outlaw Black

Tamiya PS5 - Black (backing)

Tamiya PS48 - Anodized Aluminum



Here it is compared the one from the Savage. It's longer and wider. It will fit completely over the other one.


Proline F650 Extended



This one is a much better fit.


RC Body F650 Clear Lexan



I lined the body up, marked the mounts and drilled out small holes before painting. After painting I go in with the body reamer and enlarge the holes.


Mark body mount holes


Drill holes before painting



I always get better results from many light coats instead a couple of thick ones. Much easier to keep it even. Here's is an example of one coat for me.


Light coating of RC paint



All painting done. All that's left is pealing the over-spray film and stickering. Then it will be time to destroy it so I can do it all again soon.


Painted F650



The Savage was converted to brushless but at the voltage they run at; they can still generate some heat as well, so I added some ventilation holes just like the nitro version.


Proline F650 done



Complete and in place.


F650 RC Choice



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