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RC Home | RC Paint Shop | Pro-line Ford F650



Pro-line Ford F650 Body


I bought this Pro-Line body for the Texas Bash we had in 2009. I figured I would paint it one color because I didn't think the lid would last more than that day. But it did, and I really like the look of this body. Makes the Savage look mean. And it fits on the FLM or XL extended chassis'.

Made in USA


Paint used:

Pactra RC250 - Outlaw Black

Tamiya PS5 - Black (backing)


Proline Ford F650 Body


The cutting (which I do pre-paint) and taping were simple on this truck.


Taping the body for painting


Proline RC bodies


Had to do some cutting for the roll-cage (that I no longer use) and it turned out perfectly. Almost as if it was molded for it. This is a VERY cool RC body. It's my current lid for the Savage.


Completed Ford F650 lid




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