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RC Home | How To | De-Anodize Aluminum Parts



RC How To:

De-Anodize Aluminum Parts



Sometimes anodized aluminum can be sweet. Other times it can be a bit much. For me I like the look of bare aluminum, it tends to match any color wheels or body you might have.


HPI is known for their purple and more recently orange and Axial is known for their green. Today I will be removing the anodizing from some green parts of my AX10. There are only a couple left, so I decided to remove the rest.


Remove Anodization from Aluminum Parts


There is the oven cleaner method that takes some elbow grease and stinks. The other way is using a product called Greased Lightning. Dipping the pieces in the cleaner will remove the anodizing quickly!


What you will need:

Greased Lightning Degreaser

Plastic container big enough to hold your parts


Pliers or something to remove parts from solution

Cold water


Greased Lightning to De-Anodize


How long this will take will depend on how thick the anodization is. It can take 2 to 10 minutes. Just make sure you agitate the parts every couple of minutes or so.


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