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RC Home | RC Paint Shop | Axial B-17 Betty Body



Axial B-17 Betty Body


This was the body that came with my AX10 kit. It's a great looking body. I had to chop it up pretty good so the tires wouldn't drag too much, but I got some good shots before I had to do that.


Paint used:

Pactra RC281 - Fluorescent Green

Tamiya PS48 - Anodized Aluminum

Pactra RC250 - Outlaw Black (backing)


Axial B-17 Betty Body RC


This lid is only .040 thick so the cutting was simple.


Cutting RC bodies Axial


RC Painting B17 Betty


RC Paint Shop


Lots of stickers. I love how this lid turned out.


Axial Racing Lexan Body


RC Body for AX10



Again, any kind of crawling on rocks and the tires rub the body and was noisy. I trimmed it up and still use this lid for crawling.



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