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RC Home | RC Paint Shop | Pro-line Baja Bug for Slash



Pro-line Baja Bug Body for Slash


I picked up this Pro-Line body for the kiddos Slash. He drives like a mad man and flips it a lot. I am thinking the rounded top might help some with that. He also likes VW bugs and I think it looks cool on the Slash.

Made in USA


Paint used:

Pactra RC265 - Metallic Blue

Pactra RC279 - Fluorescent Yellow

Pactra RC290 - White Fluorescent Cover (backing)


Proline Baja Bug Body for Slash


Before starting the masking or painting, it's always best to clean the inside of the body with warm soapy water or what I use, denatured alcohol. I've done this for all of my bodies, but always forgot to take a pic.


cleaned with denatured alcohol


I used a combination of taping and liquid mask on this project. For obvious reasons.


Slash lid Baja


Starting with the blue, I applied 5 light coats. Then the silver and finally the ultra bright yellow.


Proline RC Body


Backed it with white to make the blue and yellow pop even more.


Backing the body


Proline Baja lexan


Finished Proline Baja Bug




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