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Parma Fasmask - Liquid Mask



From Parma comes a great tool for the RC painting crowd. Taping is great, but sometimes liquid mask is the way to go.


I'll admit to being a little intimidated by it at first, but once I saw how well it works and how easy it really is, I can't believe I didn't use it before. It does take a little more time, but if you are like me, I don't rush the painting of bodies.


Simply apply a coat, let it dry and repeat. I have found that 3 coats works great without too much waste.


Made in USA


Parma Fasmask Liquid Mask


Parma Liquid Mask RC Painting



Once dry, use an X-ACTO knife to lightly score the mask where you want it and it will peel away very easily.


I recently did a Baja Bug using liquid mask. Check it out here --> Baja Bug for Slash



RC Painting




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