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RC How To:

Upgrade AX10 Axles to Aluminum

Page 2



The weight difference in these over the stock ones is not subtle. The stock ones weigh in at a little over 1.3 oz, and the aluminum ones weigh in at a whopping 3 oz a piece.

(Stock = 37.8g / GH Racing = 85.9g)


This adds close to a 1/4 pound of extra weight down low where you need it. Nice


Both were weighed empty with only the bottom screws to hold it together.




Stock Axles WeighedAluminum Axles Weighed



Assembly was very simple. Take apart the old and pull the entire gears, bearings and axles out of the casing and place them into the new ones. GH Racing did a great job as they were a perfect match. No modifications or grinding needed.


Assembled Axles


Back of axle housing




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