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RC Home | How To | GH Aluminum Servo Saver for Savage



RC How To:

Savage - GH Aluminum Servo Saver



GH Racing (Golden Horizons) has a nice aluminum servo saver for the Savage. As far as I know it's the only one. Running a high torque servo, I wanted to take any slop out of the steering that I could.


I also hadn't replaced the steering bearings in years, so I figured it was time to do it.


I have always been happy with my other GH Racing products and this was no exception. It was a perfect fit. Something that does not always happen in our hobby.


Part # 02042 (Silver)


GH Racing Servo Saver 02042



This is not the simplest mod to do, but it certainly isn't difficult at all. There are a few ways to approach it, but I took the "remove the entire radio box with servo saver attached" method.


Savage Radio Box - Servo Saver



After the conversion, the radio box is only doing a single servo setup now, which makes it even easier to remove. Disconnecting the turnbuckles and removing 2 screws on each side of the box and 2 on the bottom of the steering post is all it takes to remove the whole thing.


Servo Saver for Savage





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