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RC Home | How To | RPM Front Arms for SC10



RC How To:

Add to RPM arms to a SC10 - Front



RPM (founded in 1974) has been making RC products since 1980. Most of us know and love them for their tougher than stock suspension arms.


Here I will be adding some of their arms to the front of my SC10 that broke in an accident that was the result of a bonehead move by the driver. AKA Me. This was not the fault of the SC10 and its parts.


This mod is very simple and child's play for the guys who built the kit, but I thought I do this to help the RTR guys along and anyone else that might be interested.


Made in USA


Parts needed:

RPM # 70762 - These are GT2 arms but work for the SC10.

AE #7927 - Hinge pins needed for this mod.

RPM front suspension arms - SC10



The next picture is the comparison with the stock arms as well as tools used for this mod.


3/32" Hex

1/16" Hex

0.05" Hex

Phillips screw driver

Small punches for the hinge pins


SC10 RPM Mod tools


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