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RC Home | How To | RPM Front Arms for SC10



RC How To:

Add to RPM arms to a SC10 - Front (3)



Here is a comparison with the stock and RPM bulkhead. RPM uses their own version of capturing the pins.


The front hinge pin brace is no longer needed. RPM uses small (but larger than the stock) screws directly in the hole of the pin.


Be careful not to over tighten these screws, they are only there to keep the pin from working its way out.


SC10 - RPM Bulkheads



Attach arms and basically put it back together in reverse.



RPM Suspension Arms - SC10


RPM Arms Attached



Thread the shock screws through the arms before attaching them.



RPM Arms Complete



That's it! You're done. You just increased the durability of your SC10.


See the rear arms upgrade here.



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