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HPI Jeep Rubicon - Round 2


The very first lid I painted in RC was a HPI Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. It's a fun body to paint with a lot of straight lines. I got this one for free for the Savage winning "Best in Show" in one of the magazines. I have extended the Savage making this body a little short for it, but it'll work great on the AX10.


Paint used:

Fasblack - #40001

Faskrome - #40300

Fasyellow - #40002 / Fasred - #40003 (mixed for orange)

Faskoat - #40200 (sealer coat)


HPI Jeep Rubicon RC Body


I start off by making a simple design on its hood and roof. I draw them on the outside of the body that will come off when protective film is removed.


I then paint the entire inside with several layers of Fasmask, letting each coat dry first and then letting it dry overnight. This takes more time, but you can't rush this and it pays off in the end.


Jeep with Fasmask painted on


Take an X-Acto and cut away what you want to paint. I am starting with black.


Cut the Fasmask away with x-acto


I then cut another strip of mask away and come in with the chrome.


Air Brushing HPI Jeep Rubicon


With the chrome and black done, it was time to strip the rest of the mask and bring the orange in.


Airbrushing a RC Body


I mixed some yellow and little bit of red to come up with a custom bright orange. It really makes the black and chrome pop. I also experimented with doing a carbon fiber effect on the back end. It didn't turn out bad, but I need some practice.


Finished Jeep Rubicon


Stickered and mounted.


Sticked and Mounted HPI Jeep Rubicon Wrangler Body



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